Mindset Elevating Affirmations


Master Class

Master Class

Personal Transformation

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Mindset Elevating Affirmations

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Our unconscious limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts, that we pick up during this lifetime, can keep us from creating and living the life we deserve and desire. If you find yourself repeating the same habits and patterns repeatedly despite desiring and taking action on your vision—your unconscious beliefs are running the show. On my own thirty plus year journey, I came to realize that if I wanted to change any area of my life—I had to work from the INSIDE OUT—by rescripting my beliefs and elevating my self talk. That is when my life, relationships, health and happiness began to transform beyond my deepest desires. You’re here because you’re ready to reprogram your mindset, rescript your limiting thoughts and beliefs and realign with the truth of who you are.

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About Your expert instructor

Linda Joy

Mindset Elevation Coach, Intentional Living Guide, cultivator of sacred community, and supporter of women’s dreams, Aspire Magazine Publisher Linda Joy inspires, empowers, and supports women in mastering the art of living so they can create and live the life of their dreams.

A former welfare mom, high-school dropout and queen of self-sabotage, Linda knows first-hand the journey of healing, forgiveness and transformation and the importance of embracing the dreams in your heart. She believes in the power of possibility and that every woman has the power to transform her life.

Through her numerous inspirational media brands, including the beloved Aspire Magazine, Inspired Living Publishing™, Inspired Living Giveaway™, Inspired Conversations™ radio show, and Inspired Living Secrets™, Linda has been passionately spreading a message of love, feminine wisdom and self-empowerment since 2006. Her message now reaches tens of thousands of subscribers and a thriving social media community.

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