Affirmations for Creating & Living an Intentional Life

Linda Joy


Master Class

Master Class

Conscious Creation

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Affirmations for Creating & Living an Intentional Life

Linda Joy

Living an intentional life is about following your inner “north star’ and consciously creating your life based on your values and beliefs. It’s about making decisions and taking actions that align with the truth of who you are and what’s important to you—instead of the shoulds, musts and haveto scripts that we’ve come to accept. For myself, intentional living is about creating a life that’s full of meaning and purpose. It’s about consciously choosing to stop living on autopilot and instead to create new habits and beliefs that align with the true desire we hold for our lives. My path to creating an intentional life and an intentional business has been healing, fulfilling and life-changing. For close to two decades, the following quote by Wayne Dyer played a pivotal role in that journey. I share it here with you to remind you that INTENTION is nothing something you DO it’s something that you carry within you. "Intention is not something you do, but rather a force that exists in the universe as an invisible field of energy- a power that can carry us." – Wayne Dyer Let’s get you tapped into the energetic field of intention. You’re here because you’re ready to reprogram your mindset, rescript your limiting thoughts and beliefs and realign with the truth of who you are.

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About Your expert instructor

Linda Joy

Mindset Elevation Coach, Intentional Living Guide, cultivator of sacred community, and supporter of women’s dreams, Aspire Magazine Publisher Linda Joy inspires, empowers, and supports women in mastering the art of living so they can create and live the life of their dreams.

A former welfare mom, high-school dropout and queen of self-sabotage, Linda knows first-hand the journey of healing, forgiveness and transformation and the importance of embracing the dreams in your heart. She believes in the power of possibility and that every woman has the power to transform her life.

Through her numerous inspirational media brands, including the beloved Aspire Magazine, Inspired Living Publishing™, Inspired Living Giveaway™, Inspired Conversations™ radio show, and Inspired Living Secrets™, Linda has been passionately spreading a message of love, feminine wisdom and self-empowerment since 2006. Her message now reaches tens of thousands of subscribers and a thriving social media community.

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